People's Voice from Wellington, Kansas (2024)

THREE APPOINTMENTS MADE BY COMMISSIONERS Other" Appointments May Be Mads WEAK KIDNEYS MAKE WEAK SWAT THE FLY AGAIN BODIES Kansas State Board of Health Uses' Kidney Disease Cause Half the Thjs As Hofaby Horge Common Aches and Ills of Well- I QUARTERLY STATEMENT OF COUNTY TREASURER OF SUMRER COUNTY, KANSAS, FOR QUARTER ENDING APRIL 26, 1910 SHOWING BALANCE LY BANDS OF COUNTY TREASURER AT CLOSE OF BUSINESS, APRIL 25, 1910 IF. ington People. luCAa uunc- As one weak link weakens a chain Un the Kansas board of health is so vYaken the whole devoted entirely to the coming house Amount Conway, Int. Conway, Road fly, it is urged on every page that everyone "Swat The Fly" early and General Funds State of Kansas School Land Interest A Eden, Gen. 55 92 Overwork, strains, colds and other often and a11- is load Eden, Int.

State and Co. Ssehool Land 1125 81 Ed g. 7 01 Normal Institute causes injure the kidneys, and when their activity is lessened the whole body suffers from the excess of uric ed with facts about the dangers ol the fly and it also contains some remedies and a proposed city ordinance which is intended to remove ,1 fi poison circulated in the blood. Aches and pains and languor and breeding places. One of the Eden, Road Springdale, Gen ojjringdale, Road Sumner, Gen.

Sumner, Int. Sumner, Sink. Sumner, Road Seventy-Six Gen. 280 65 1--00 41 42 503 89 24918 51 2663 29 29413 22 urinary ills come, and there is an interesting sections of tne Dmietin is to how to clear a room or a house of flies. The action follows: ever increasing tendency towards diabetes and fatal Brgiht's disease.

Ther Railway Condemnation County Surveyor Individual Redemptions County Redemptions 1 Sumner County Gen. Sumner County Int. Sumner County Sink. Sumner County Bridge Current Tax Total Cities Total School District Total Townships This Afternoon Alleys Must Be. Cleaned.

The board of city commissioners met this morning. Not much, business was transacted at the raorninjj session as much time was spent la discussing financial matters with a view to making preparations to take care of current expenses, but 20 definite action was taken. The board considered the matter of transferlas about $900 from the sidewalk fund, into the general fund. The following appointments wera made: W. T.

McBride, city attorney. A. B. Cheever, city clerk. John Camp, Street Commissioner.

It was decided to move the street sprinkler hydrant from the pavias district on Lincoln. A remonstrance against curbing aa3 guttering on South Jefferson wai read, but was laid over. The bid of the Western Lithograph Company of Wichita for printing the sewer bonds was accepted. Commissioneer Kirk reported the street lights all in fairly good shape, but many of the water hydrants are in" neglected condition and need at is no real help for the sufferer ex- Ui QOOft 79 rnt ln-dr, hin may De Qsea as ioiiows. neat a.

snov- el or any similar article and drop Doan's Kidney Pills act directly on Seventy-Six, Road 35n a Harmon, Gen. 2 II Palestine, Gen. 22651 97 Palestine Road 25198 85 Oxford, en. the kindnys and cures every kidney ill. Wellington cures are the nroof.

I W. J. Newbold, real estate agent, ll-. 410 North F. Wellington, Oxford, Int.

Oxford, Sink. 163249 13 says, "I was troubled by too frequent passages of the kidney secretions for thereon twenty drops of calbolic acid. The vapor kills the flies. A cheap and perfectly reliable fly poison one which is not dangerous to human life, is bichromate of potash in solution. Dissolve one dram, whici can be bought at any drug store, in two ounces of water and add a little sugar.

Put some of this solution in shallow dishes and distribute them about the house. Sticky fly paper, trps and' liquid some time, especllyia at night when I was obliged to get up. several times. This weakness was accompanied by a 605 32 Walton, Road 132 97 57 41 104 35 30 82 Guelph, Int. 174.11 191 42 Guelph, Sink.

15 01, 2y S6 Guelph, Road 14 92 .47 South Haven, Gen. 147 08 i 74 35 South Haven, Int. 543 32 96 62 South Haven, Sink. 941 31 49 59 South Haven, Road 154 54 231 38 Falls, Gen. 343 23 116 27 Falls, Int.

268 63 52 35 Falls, Sink. 57 05 99 35 Falls, Road 1029 75 132 47 Caldwell, Gen. 670 75 1087 38 Caldwell, Int. 1564 22 26 81 Caldwell, Sink. 1668 53 50 44 Caldwell, Road 1142 27 84 49 City Funds Amount 187 84 Wellington, Gen.

3 34 168 99 Wellington, Sink. 02 670 37 Wellington, Sewer 27 18 893 82 Caldwell, Gen. 279 71 55 38 Caldwell, Int. 129 71 1024 43 Caldwell, Sink. 69 86 1091 06jtCald well, Street Imp.

69 86 34 29 'Caldwel, Library 55 89 114 31 Caldwell, Cemetery 4191 27 87 Caldwell, Street Lighting 279 43 79 39 Caldwell, Park 27 94 0 54 Caldwell, Cut WTeeds 8 00 72 39 Oxford, Gen. 72 78 211 89 Belle Plaine, Gen. 100 59 30 44 Belle Plaine, Street Imp. .100 59 60 88 Mulvane, Gen. 96 66 153 40 Mulvane, Street Imp.

78 12 476 05 Argonia, Gen. 61 43 76 01 Argonia, Park 12 29 76 01 Conway Springs, Gen. 57 97 24 93 Conway Springs, Int. 115 93 674 79 Conway Springs, Park 57 97 57 11 Geuda Springs, Gen. 26 52 76 15 Geuda Springs, Street Imp; 26 52 57 48 Geuda Springs, Judgment 36 57 76 64 South Haven, Gen.

118 46 109 68 South Haven, Sidewalk 92.59 210 59 Milan, Gen. 14 06 1123 33 Milan, Street Imp. 1125 dull, tired feeling in my back. The use of one box of Doan's Kidney Pills, procured at Galloup Crow's poisons are among! the things to use in killing flies, but the latest, cheap Fiscal Agency 1909 Tax Sale Account 1908 Tax Sale Account 1808 Tax Sale Account Co. Assignments over Appt.

Total Cities Overpaid Total Townships Overpaid Total School Dis. Overpaid C. H. S. Overpaid Gen.

C. H. S. Overpaid Bldg. Outtside Banks The Mayfield State Bank The Stock Exchange Bank The Oxford Bank Cash in office 114 44 Avon, Gen.

939 74 Avon, Road 498 05 Wellington, Gen. 498 05 Wellington, Int. 178 48 Wellington, Road 3 36 Osborne, Gen. 55 38 Osborne, Road 1951 63 Ryan, Gen. 3710 36 Ryan, Road 168 29 Dixon, eGn.

91000 00 Dixon, Road 21552 39 Dixon, High School 20593 98 Morris, Gen. 21743 90 Morris, Road 739 13 Chikaskia, Gen. Chikaskia, Road est and best is a solution of formalin or formaldehyde in water. A spoon- Drug Store, was all I used and I have not had a bit of trouble since. You can rely upon me as being a strong advocate of Doan's Kidney Pills." 1 For sale by all dealers.

Price 50 of a pint of water and exposed In a ful of this liquid put into a quarter room will be enousrh tokill all the I 1 cents. Foster-Milburn Buffalo, flies They seem tQ be fond Qf New York, sole agents for the Unit- water. Care should be taken to plac tention. Mayor Newbold stated that lie would order the city marshall to see that the alleys are kept cleaned of boxes and paper, and that the ordinance governing this matter shall be enforced. According, to a communication it seems that some manufacturer claims the septic tank built here by Lewis and Kitchen is an Infringement on a patent.

It was ordered that the septic tanks bonds bt made payable in tea 3'ears instead of in five. ed States. Remember the nameD oan's-take no other. -and it beyond reach of children. To quickly clear the room where there are many flies, burn pyethrum powder in the room.

This stupefies the flies when they may be swept up and burned. 163249 13 Downs, Gen. Downs, Road Amount jackson. Gen. 339 58 JaKcson, Road 1045 87 Green, Gen.

49 39 Green. Road 1197 87 Valverde, Gen. 280 23 Valve.rde Road 59 00 Walton, en. 2003 06 Walton, Intl 68 11 Walton, Sink. Notice of Final Settlement.

State of Kansas, county of Sumner ss In the Probate Court of said county and state. In the Matter of the estate of Caro- 1 -w- -w 1 1 Funds Gore Gen. Gore, Road Belle Plaine Gen. Belle FJaine Int. Belle Dlaine Sink.

Belle Plaine" Road London, Gen. Conway, Gen. The Chinch Bug. The past week has been ravor- A Winfield Murder una wenioerger, aeceasea. able to chinch bug and they con- The creditors, heirs, devisees and tinue tQ be present in large numbers legatees, and all other persons inter- in the wheat fieMs They are gtm ested in the estate of Caroline Hembe "laying eggS) but the eggs firts depoits-ger decasd are hereby notified that I'ed.

hav- now hatched, and anyone will make final settlement of my ad- who wm take the pains tQ puU up a ministration of said estate at the tuft of wbeat will see the sman next term of, the probate court of red bugs running about in the plant. Sumner County, Kansas, on the 8th These yoUng bugs will soon be very day of June 1910. damaging for they are strong feed- Courier. A bullet hole in the middle of the breast indicates the cause cf death of a stranger whose dead body was found near the Santa Fe elevator, early Saturday morning. His hat bearin the label of a store in Shawnee, has the' penciled name "Bill Bashford.

This is all to tell who he was, for his iaving niea wnn saia court my ers They wm continue to hatch outj pockets were empty. His clothing is claim for compensation as admims- during this week, and grow rapidly I an good underclothing fine except trator of said estate, and for neces- unless their food is destroyed. that his sh*t is a cheap neg- sary attorney's fees and other ex- The old bugs are feeding but nt-i ligee. There is also a bullet hole iu penses necessarily incurred in the ad- tle and muchi0f the damage suppos- hls left wrist. As was no blood ministration of said estate, I hereby ed to have been done by them this on ground under the wound, it is A- bdiu laiiu ai xki.

spring, can probably be accounted for evident that the killing did not take give notice, as ordered by said court, if one pulls up a wheat plant and ob- in said court on above date. serves what little root development Signed this 28th day of April, 1910. it bas Joseph Hemberger, Sr. Many farmers are still listing up Administrator of the estate of said tbeir wneat where it has-failed, and place where the body was found. The finding of the dead man was first reported by the enginemen of passenger thain No.

17, which gets here at half past six in the morning. They saw the body lying beside the wagon road along the right of about half way from the elevator to Carolina Hemberger, deceased. are killing millions of bugs and leaving nothing upon which the young bugs may feed when they have hatch Wellington Residence For Sale, ii 1 1 -1 A fc rt cut: ui iugc. maicuai iuviiaiu ai, went out and took charge. The body was brought to Davenport's undertaking rooms, where, the public was admitted to view the remains and where bnap For 5omeooay.

ed from the eggs already present. Firstclass 6-room residence, bath Listing done now should prove very room, closets, pantry, cave, nice effective, and all wheat which will large porches, good well cf water as- not make a fair yield should be plow-so fine cistern, both pump and porch ed under at once, even if no crop under cover, electric lights. Six can be put iriito it means that lots, all fenced, room to build an- the young bugs will starve to death, other resdience for rent. Fine shade because most alll of them are too tne coroner nem tne inquest. The man is well built and clean Dis Gen Sec.

Bond 57 214 68 21 00 3 35 122 31 83 12 00- 58 44 34 15 50 124 35187 73 50 247 60 1 225 51 81 00 60 52 06 14 50 125 59 40 20 00 2 71 03 62 49 38 19 00 127 221 35 85 00 3 28 13 10 00 64 36 14 10 00 129 19 84 16 50 65 49 34 20 00 130 31 56 15 50 Art 67 43 55 15 50 131 10 61 5 46 77 13 00 1392 oO 6g 2Q QQ QQ 6 208181" 915 50 70 257 16 7 00 135 155 22 15 50 7 189 62 42 72 40 52 14 50 137 38 90 16 50 9 32 04 22 00 73 147 61 8 50 138 43 68 9V00 10 42 19 12 00 74 123 93 37 00 139 271 19 8 50 11 447 29 11 50 ''75 43 20 4 00 140 200 53 15 00 12 38 72 17 00 76 23 91 6 00 141 26 07 17 00 13 44 85 13 50 77 564,09 60 50 144 -7 50 14 137 80 79 25 22 9 00 145 36 07 18 00 15 56 65 22 50" 80 231 86 29 50 146 41 60 16 00 16 89 61 7 50 81 46 93 17 00 147 501 05 62 50 17 49 25 20 00 82 191 51 12 00 143 169 92 18 41 77 13 00 83 28 54 12 50 149 64 17 1350 20 988 74 343 00 104 40 84 32 91 22 00 150 43 74 1 9 50 21 42 72 16 00 85 29 40 12 00 152 43 42 13 50 22 38 86 8 50 86 50 33 13 50 153 77 93 23 511 81 16 00 87 190-17 6 00 154 32 00 12 00 1 60 24 127 57 88 34 22 9 50 155 34 01 14 50 25 35 75 9 50 89 40 52 14 50 156' 24 29 26 35 59 10 50 90 126 71 15 00 157 7 22 27 48 00 17 00 91 44 67 9 50 158 33 36 11 00 28 152 00 70 00 92 36 81 12 50 159 35 46 8 50 29 44 92 18 00 93 35 34 11 00 161 44 66 5 50 30 28 61 94 244 24 23 00 163 184 10 16 50 31 9 60 8 OjO 95 432 15 18 00 164 45 25 15 50 32 16 27 15 50 96 43 45 3 50 165 10 53 9 50 33 37 25 12 50 97 77 26 12 00 166 71 79 9 00 34 131 21 14 00 9S 36 50 13 50 167 32 19 13 50 35 40 75 15 50 99 44 42 15 50 168 138 61 25 50 156 36 36 23 29 100 20 20 9 00 169 110 51 25 00 37 40 13 12 00 101 116 38 9 00 171 246 94 20 50 38 38 45 9 50 102 3 45 6 91 172 12 51 13 00 4 39 50 56 103 38 49 11 00 173 13 72 40 189 36 8 50 104 472 77 177 50 670 62 175 47 66 11 00 41 41 27 8 00 105 30 56 8 50 176 43 84 16 00 42 176 28 17 00 106 53 85 19 177 36 89 17 00 43 40 70 15 50 107 24 77 17 00 178 3S 13 1150 44 39 04 5 50 108 25 84 7 00 179 123 99 .10 50 45 30 41 14 00 109 49 02 10 50 180 3165 13 50 46 50 SI 12 50 HO 48 9S 18 50 184 35 53 8 50 48 35 31 8 00 HI 41 41 17 50 186 29 48 5 00 49 44 90 15 50 112 212 70 23 00 187 147 23 10 00 50 34 41 9 00 113 61 47 15 00 .188 45 71 11 00 4 51 43 S7 12 50 114 205 57 47 50 18 00 191 43 99 10 00 4 52 45 72 14 50 115 ,100 32 11 50 3 00 Y' 53 50 S3 50 116 35 .40 .11 50- 193 34 02 9 00 54 191 79 34 00 117 2S 82 8 .00 194 630 02 27 50 55 2S3 72 20 00 HSf 14 18., 17- 50 1 65 197 101 94 41 35. 15 00 120 26 6.50 198 258 40 22 50 VJ looking, apparently about twenty to ana irun trees, uam cuai uuuo, young to migrate, and should great- twenty-five years old, fair skinned store house, chicken houses and cow Jy diminish the -numbers that would and wjth fair hair. When found he shed. Located in Wellington on otherwise go to the corn fields at' as lying on his back, his arms, west of city not far from high school, harvest time. stretched out.

Under his left hand, Ten blocks west from Arlington cor- Very few bugs have been found which lay back downward, was a 02- ner. Just the place for a retired far- on the young ooats, as the wheat calibre pocket revolver, with all the mer. If you don't want to move to "has offered them a much better feed-'ioads fired. A few cartridges of that Wellington now maybe you will this mg ground, and it is on this they sizfi jn his nockpts would make it ar- rn i. v-i j-.

vTj-ti nM'Aw -rv- rxr 1 i i Ld.11 or iical ecu juu nave piaceu meir eggs. Dear that it was his own revolver. into this property the rent will bring Where farmers are contemplating The position of the gun under the good onterest as I am going to sell lowing a strip of millet or sorghum wrist) however, seems to show that very cheap on account of death of along the edge of the corn, It should it was placed there by some one wife intend to sell at once. Call or 'be done at once in order that the' else, after the body was laid there. Wine owner, inuuug iuiuei may, oe: invuing to tne Thprp wa no dfrn nf nnv kmrT 1 West Harvey, Wellington, Kansas.

It bugs they, leave-the of a struggle, nor any tracks that costs you nothing to investigate, This can then be plowed under, and show how the body was brough -''v-'. the The board of reviews way and Falestine vUndervnow, and if some Ti; gun that killed man uieei. aiiu o. -j tvm-1 near tne cum, iu so close that his shirt and under- F. Garnand icic act uu inc.

iuia xx4X w. -j exting uished before it 'had'-, barn eel Little blood showed-, on the thatv a great deal had bably from the In the wrist. 'r ''-'A TV of Survey -1 Kryptok lenses axetmmmv sMlxLtf: We had a bigrain and hail storra Sunday It rained 1.35 In about derfui. neationzmmmmmmm won STATE OF KANSAS, COUOTY OF SUMNER, SS. J.

F. Boor', County Treasurer within and for said County and do solemnly swear that the foregoing is a correct statement of the moneys in the county treasury at the close of business on April 25, 19 LO, and of the different funds to which it belonors6 J. F. BOORY, County Treasurer.3 Subscribed and Sworn to before, me, this 26th day of April, 1910 CROSEN, County Clerk hour accompanied with hair. This readmer lens is hidden in immmmmm- A at one time since The heaviest rainfall we have' had inc.

able. urface of the ground had become so principal seed nncf' sede would :nor.grow.; seed has been latins Simtihffi xauie WILL COX IS DEAD in; the ground. months. Will was the youngest child of the and' not ours robbed us of this Cox family. He was born and rais- young man's: ne fc'hg.

i-i-inuiifr nas oeen late tnis.SDrins: I -vi 'iherebriS-throueh said vSpHinn nnil Will-" win be -long remembered by T- a lew are not none piantms cori vet- Popular Young Man Passed Away At 4:40 o'clock This Morning. 22, liich lines and corners ill be per- Half the-wheat has been plowed trg By, many he will. be remembered as one- who always 1 hadra 'kind word for them as they called -for their Edgar Cox was born December 22,1883 land died May 2, 1910, at his home on West Harvey after ed here in Wellington and was known' by. everyone. For the past six years i Will had been connected with, the postoffice.

The last four years he has been a clerk and the two years prior to this work he was a substitute carrier. He was a member of the Methodist church of this city and has lived a young and useful life. He made a noble fight for life but it was His will a lingering illness of fifteen weeks. established by the undersigned; or his deputy, as follows, viz: -The said permanent survey 0, ill be day of May, A. 1910, or on the next day thereafter, and" ill be continued from day to.

day until completed. Evans, County Surv eyor. -Tlie on ly kH'K cl iiiv-f Refract in of Spccini i sis and In Southern Kan Office and Residence5 Qver Bon Ton Bakery Both Phones In and planted in oats and corn. Lots of wheat, from present appearance will not pay for cutting an3 thrashing. Chittick Lamey expects to start Ireland this week to make a visit.

They are repairing the road soutH of Dalton. Mr. Winslow Is building a hay barn on his Sloth creek fara. lie leaves a mother, Mrs. Mary Cox, mail.

By others he wiU be as a true and loyal friend. Again he will be remembered as a kind and obedient son, a true and loving bro-ther. The funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon from the home. three sisters; Helen and Nettie Cox, and Mrs. Chas.

Huey and one brother Keith, besides a host of friends..

People's Voice from Wellington, Kansas (2024)
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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.