People's Voice from Wellington, Kansas (2024)

DOUGLASS TO AID RAILROAD MERCHANT Citizens Enthusiastic Over Proposed McPherson, Wichita and Gulf. LL- 'T8BAVE ROUTE 7 FARMERS WAfOEBB tie ti SHOW Douglass, Sept. 8. At a meet Ing of a large number of citizens, heli nere tonight in the city hall, a committee was appointed to confer with the officers of the proposed McPherson, Wichita and Gulf railway, with, a view to assisting in the financing of MAN WHO WAS HERE WORKING HERE EXHIBIT WILL BE HELD OCT. STH TO 15TH.

UP RURAL DIRECTORY the road. Twenty-five local business in rn Psrmer on That Route Was Roser Room on North Washington has Been Offered and Will Be Accepted. Town Yesterday Wondering When He Was Going to Get oBok. men were appointed on this committee. The citizens showed much enthu siasrn over the prospects of.

securing road through here, connecting with Winfield and Wrichita. It was the sen timent of those present to do all possible to secure the building of the road. 11. G. Holcomb was selected chair man and Sam Lesser secretary of the meeting.

4 i it i I is the time to invest in lands in the Shallow Water Belt in Western Kansas. The Garden City Gulf and Northern Railroad, already built and in operation is bringing about rapid developement of this country. The Shallow Water Belt, which this road traverses is the most productive land in the middle-west. While dry farming is successful in this belt, farming may be aided by an economical system of irrigation, water being secured from 10 to 30 foot deep. It will be well remembeied by many about thfl stranae en dins: that came tr ths nf Tr.

J. J. Webb. a tall light complected gentleman who came to the city of Wellington Tales of the Telegraph. nhnnt two nr three months ago and local entered into a contract with a printing company for the printing of a rural routft directors, after he had Miss Nellie Phipps, a hotel cook in Thermopclis, was standing by a window when a stray bullet entered and struck her in the side, that is to say, in the side of lier straight-front, iron-clad, irresistable corset.

Nc bullet of ordinary energy could over "worked" the county for the names. The facts of the case this man Webb The Manufacturers and Agricultural Exhibit which will be held in Wellington, is to be heid oa the dates of October the 3th to the 15th, "inclusive. E. B. Roser has offered his room on North Washington avenue which was formerly occupied by the Jackson department store to the merchants and the ofier will be accepted.

This big exhibit which will last a week is being given under the auspices of the Wellington Retail Merchants Association and will be a big thing. Every Farmer In the cuoniy and every manufacturer is invited to bring in his stock and goods and put them on exhibition. The Wellington merchants have offered a big list of prizes and they will be so divided that it will bo worth anybodys time and work to attend this show. A big list of prizes has been offered by the merchants and the list wil! appear in tomorrow's issue. succeeded in "working" the county, rapidly within This country is being settled up and many new towns will be built there especially some of the rural routes bet come an obstacle like that, and this out of Wellington a.

great deal one stopped discouraged. Incidental- ter than was known at the time. Webb worked about Wellington for lv. this nuts the corset teel in the eeks anu tnen wenc to (jaia- played some same prominent role usually the next year. Now is the opportunity for the investor and the farmer.

Lands can be bought of us now cards in well where he was arrested on a com I plaint from Winfield that he had em by a bible or a deck of soldier stories. The engagement has just hoan nri- bezzeierl n.anv Cowlev county tar for $25 to $40 an acre. The lands near-worth from $100 to bv unaer cultivation are nounced of Samuel N. Browne, of mers out of some money, the amount Boston, and Mrs. Charlotte Thomp-: was said to be from $800 to $1000.

son Bradford. Browne is a wealthy, It was suspected at that time that gentleman, vice president of a large Sumner county people had also suffer-corporation, but the real object of ed, but the fact was not revealed this tale is to prove that there isn't until yesterday when a farmer called no-o limit, or nerhans any other at this office and asked if we had en- $200 an acre. the contract wiih Webb. limit, except such, as time and op- tered into We told him that we had not. The nnrtunitv arrange: this is Samuel's Land Investments OH ciay it are looiongior third engagement, and he is 86 years farmer was wondering why he did not 0ld get the book that he had paidfor.

That Prof. William James, who1 This farmer, his name will not be a oc nrpnmniishpd his 1 mentioned, said that at least fifteen lee Us. for Further Particulars. farmers on rural route seven out of expressed ouroose to communicate An apology from the Ilillsboi'o News: "Several of the leading society ladies of Ilillsboro insist that we apologize for an article appearing in the News two weeks ago, in which we said too much valuable time was wasted by the ladies at their function on cards and flinch. We humbly apologize for the item and wish to state that we lied.

There is net a lady in Ilillsboro that knows the Jacti ot clubs for a' Jerusalem artichoke, and as for flinch, they never saw the game in their lives and some them think it is a new kind of cor cet. When they meet at social functions they occupy their time in reading the Bible and conversing about had been "worked" by from bevond the grave, is the state-, Wellington, this man WTebb. 'From each larmer he gotioeighty-seven cents, "that is ment made by the Rev. Dr. Freeric A.

Wiggin, of Brookline, pastor of mill HAmL Unity church, and a Spiritualist, with, cost of printing of tne dook earn whom the arverd savant had di Webb. This man. said that cussed this question. Still, if any one said that he was working, for his could be' expected to believe in the brother and that the brother was go-Rev. James' "come back," it would ing to make a lot of money on the be the pastor of a spiritualist church, book by filling it with adds.

James hasn't said anything to con-; wre Webb is and whatever be-vince a number of skeptics we know came of him has not been learned. AM WGTOM ciiL and the efficacy of the atonement the whichness of the "when." of The last that was seen of him tnis county by local parties was wThen he was about to board the Southern Kan-' sas train for Winfield in custody of mi 7 CONTAINS NO HARMFUL DRUGS Sheriff Botkin. Sale by Emerson Harrison Speaking of baseball scores, wnat you think of this game the mention ct which, appeared in Monday's Kansas City Times, under the Loading "Kansas City Forty Years Ago," "Yesterday the Hectors played a match game with the Achilles of Westport, the score standing 90 to 36, in favor of the Hectors." 'fiSfESTE Cures Coughs, Colds, Croup, La Grippe, Asthma, Throat Runaway. The Genuine is in tht YELLOW PACK AJ35 and Lung Prevents Pneumonia and Consumption 1910 CROP Sale Ihy Emerson Ilarrisoil Wheat Yield In Many Districts Will be from 25 to 35 Bushels Per Aero From Friday's Daily. This morning about eleven o'clock the Glamann team which is used on the east end ice delivery ran away on Harvey avenue.

The team started about Elm street and ran straight west on Harvey. In front of the postofflce the team "was stopped by ff'-K: Knd-cl*tc in nuiil- Giffln and Fentress r.w, frnm ITnit.Pfl -State. wnilprrn'i nnnortaiiitics remain (ma for those who intend making Canada their home. New districts beinK opened up for settlement, ermeS "ill net. thiH-ear.

S10 to $15 per acre roq their whpat cro7! All the advantages of old settled 11 1 Mb ymmiizk A glance back on Harvey countrie Ira Steel. showed that the team had been grain exhibits at SSfflm east You can't vote this fall without voting for the initiative and referendum the recall. Both theso measures were lought by the regular republicans but they are embodied in every party platform for the state this year. The Republican platform promises to submit a constitutional amendment on both questions, while the other parties declare boldly for the same things. Incidentally, there is considerable similarity between the platforms of the leading parties in other respects; so much so that the question of men becomes the leading issue in the campalsn.

Giffin and Fentress, both formerly of the Kansas State league and members of the Wellington Dukes, are making good in the Western league. Giffin is now on the regular pitching staff for Toneka and Fentress with K. BARBOUR'S received everr day. testifying to satisfactory conat-tioas; other districts Bre as favorably spoken of: Takes His Brotlier-in-taw's Word for It Tnvlor's Falls. Ausjust 7, 1G10.

I shpll eo to Camrose this fall with my cattle and honsehold pcxxls. I gut a poor crop here this year, and my brother-in-law. Axel Nowstran. wants me to come there. He formerly i ived ilton, North lakota.

I Bin going to buy or take a homestead when I pet there, but I do not want to travel i 1,010 fnr- tntfl Tii brother-in-law's word very free with the ice that was in the wagon when they started to run. Groups of kids at various places along the street showed where the ice had been dropped. The kids were very busy dividing the ice and the 300-316 NortH Washington Avenue Omaha, Yesterday Giffin lost a good! Phones Bell 59 Farmers 35 Were Seen tO SCUrry about the country, and want to get your low rate. little fellows game to Denver at Denver. He pitched a three hit game but lost on errors.

Fentress won yesterday from Des Yours truly, i.E.L A. xljbj. Watch this for Snaps all directions, each crarying a piece of the cool material. FOR SALE-House of 5 rooms, lot 70x120, Wants to Return to Canada Vesta, July 24, 1910. I went to Canada nine years ago and took up a quarter section of railroad land and a homestead, but my boys have never taken up any land yet.

J. still hold the railroad land. I had to come back to the states on account of my health. Please let me We wonder what those three little girls, who on the last day of school S550 Rents for $8.00 per month, prico Only know at once it i can gee me cueap raws j. v-.

Alberta, Yours truly. last spring ran through the streets singing, "No more pencils, no more books, no more cross-eyed teachers Jooks," are thinking of now. asonie Building They Sent for Their Son Maidstone. Canada. August 5.

1910. My parent came here from Cedar Falls. Iowa, four o7. Bnd were bo well pleased with this country Cleardale. Refreshing- Fhower iney sens w' Vi all homesteaa near mem, auu su iiictwi maze? Bad Symptoms.

The woman who has periodical heidSr aches, backache, sees imaginary dark tpots or specks floating or dancing before her eyes, hasgnawing distress or heavy full feeling ift Itomach, faint spells, drag-ging-downAafeling in lower abdominal or pelvic reron. easily startled or excited, Irregulrffor painful periods, with or without vie catarrh, is suffering from weakntfses aniGerangements thathould have esjfty ayEention. Not all of above gyrnptoii ape likely to be present in any case at cmeime. Ncglecte4 or badly treated and such eases jbijri run into maladies which de-man tjfe surgeon's knife if they do not resifatally. mpjpmft prtant has such a long LEONARD DOUGLAS.

stop here. 1'JESTERN CANADA'S TWENTY LIVES LOST Send for literature and ask the local Canadian Got-ernment Agents for Excursion Kates, best districts in which to locate, and when to go. Address jr Whaat Yield in many uii. tricts Will be from 25 to J. S.

Crawford 125 West 9th Kansao City. Mo. 35 Bushels Per Acre hear-v7 glad, Our lees -u: storing ctar fcince the wither oclo an'' late bloom ing commenced. I W. R.

Vausant of Chicago are out with a life of Teddy Roosevelt. Tie-; birds eye view of Egypt showing toml of the kings. Sphinx by moonlight are exceedingly interesting. Lund sales and homestead entries ncreasing. M) resuuu i7oinr from United States.

if- Wonderful orportunitiea remain Base ball notes: It is said that a LAKE Cnnada their ewd wtricU pitcher who has a fancy wind-up will wear himself out in a short time. The will net. tni- yt'Hr, 5.l"i''A. i-ron. All Halite tlon.

has sucn a strg gyffijlmyrTrTi3 VTlt1 mor7 t.n ar rftnrcnes, ties. fceo of Heart Trouble Cured by Dr. Miles' Heart Remedy "Before I began taking Dr. Miles Heart Remedy I had been suffering from heart trouble for over five years. I had pains in my left side, and under my shoulder blade, could not sleep on the left side, and was so short of breath the least exertion would bring on the most distressing palpitation.

I had scarcely taken a half bottle of the Heart Remedy before I could see a marked change in my condition. When I had taken six bottles I was cured." MRS. GORKEY, Northfield, Va. If there is fluttering or palpitation it is an indication of a weakness of the nerves and muscles of the heart. It is not neces 1 eome ot follow ins IlUlii 'Tin 1 1 the tii Miss Nellie Shawl has returned horn accompanied by Mrs.

Slover. WIRELESS AGAIN MAKES RESCUE, Schafer, Geuda's land man, POSSIBLE was in the county capital Monday cn. business. factory con- lmwn medical science fer th cure of pitcher who throws the ball without any preliminaries is the one who stays in the big league when he finally lands. Baseball experts say most of the best ball players are moon snrt nf fpllOTS-s.

TheV 2ition: other uisstrtci urw Tlier Sc for Tlieir Son woman's peculiar ailment enter ipto its rmrw-i1tinTi- No alcohol. OT 3 ci- PnmiA. An-rast 5. 1910. Cnnada.

Atumst. 5. 1910. 1 (not Iui d-tne, Falls, Iowa, Ion Ferry Sinks in Lake Michigan habit-forming dm? i3 to be fond in th list of its ingredients printed on each of iaK' Eiihu Ellsworth has a job t'tnlar My 1 with this wuntr veurs aco i Ul or I have taken tlit-y wut tv voetir try ting corn for Gas Davies. to i bottle-wrapper are scrappers.

Many of the good-, condit )ttle-wrauper In anv condition ana aitestea unaer of the female system, ing Human Beings and Freight Along. h.Tneteua ur vu, A rjOUGl-AS. new cider Mr. bnears securea a Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription can do natured stars fall down at critical nnW vncid never harm.

its wnoie eneci Wants Settlers Jlato for His Stock mm gaturday. Ludingten, SepL 9 Twenty Pleasant Pwidge school times when they get into tne major, lrenrthen. invigorate and regulars Allrta, July SI. 1910. xiouse is un- tVio whnift femnla sv-tcm and especially lives were lost when the Perre Mar- dergoing an.

over haulin at present. the pelvic When these are de-vi-ncrr-A in function cr affected by disease. nr. ore lna.11 lorwt CitJ. Iowa.

Iel I iith liie eux'k and everj thing. Vriiin V'JIhAs lnuk in jet. and I am vr. I LJrn pet them and another poinu lrk 1 at lVoui like to know.fa. ec.r up here tis cilMD riite back again, if thra isr.ny haiu-e to f.rl a cu you- leagues.

For the reason that he has a fighting disposition. Hunter, cf Kansas City, is regarded as a ball player who will make good when he begin quette Car Ferry number eighteen theltomach and other organs of digestion become sympatheiically derangeI, the sank in Lake Michigan, twenty mil-. nirii i a m. ii -11 n. A.

WIK. our --tificatev'ourSi trul, es off Port Washington this morning. The ferry wireless signals of dis-i 1 tress brought a sister ferry to the; Will 3Iake His Home in Canada Brninerd. Anaiift 1. 1910.

trt Canada a week IromwajJ andm. Mv husband has Deea, nerves are weatenea. ana a ivnz iisu 01 bad, unpleasant symptoms" follow. Too much must not be expected of this "Favorite Prescription." --It will not perform miracles; will not cure tumors np medicine will. It will often prevent them, if taken In time, and thu-i the operating-table and the surgeon's knifa may be voided.

Womsn sueri-c from disases of long are invited to consult Doe tor Pierce by letUr, rc. All correspondence is krtd as strlbtly prlTaU and sarredly to play with PirxsDurg next seasun. Hunter is always looking for trouble. Ty. Cobb, admitted to be the greatest ball player in the world, is another player who Is promient in mix-ups.

He Is so aggressive that he is unpopular with everybody except the Detroit fans. tend to. 1 "ilh the there aix weeks aad is weii Possible. He filed sarily diseased just weak from over-work. The heart may be weak just the same as the eyes, stomach or other organs.

You can make a weak heart strong by taking Dr. Miles' Heart Rem rescue and many members of tne crew were saved. The ferry was loaded with, twenty-nine loaded freigh cars. The damage was about a half million dollars. he wants mo sk and by his deswriptioa SL" -ftv5 nlace Mi brother-in-law.

CI IUUOM Ur. Frank J. 3mmer; in spring and-suramcr, it the natural time to store up health and vitality for the year. Scott's Emulsion Nature's best and quk! SjnVra. and it waa throng MRS.

EICHAKD HENBY EBINGEB. nndcntlal. Address Ur. H. y.

fieree. for literare a.d the 1 edy. Get a bottle irom your druggist, take it according to directions, and if it does not benefit he will return your moneys i.v Lit 2zz Bonn thft Dr. Pircs MIte! Adviser (KXX) pagort Is sent fr om receipt of 21 a-cent tta-tps for papr-ovrod. or 31 sfcaapa fodwhentOBO.

Addx- jr. t. Crawford 1 Weajt Otk EmM City. V. stops tlo coxxrflx avx Zeals For Sale by Emron 9c Harriaoa.

far etotatoDd oov..

People's Voice from Wellington, Kansas (2024)
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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.